Welcome, Soldiers of 35th Infantry Division Organizatons!
Dedicated to the memories and friendships of all who have served in the 35th Infantry Division

If you or a family member served or currently serves in the 35th Infantry Division, please consider joining the 35th Division Association. Membership includes a subscription to the Santa Fe Express, a quarterly publication of the 35th Division Association.
Read the Divisionnaire: JAN-MAR 2025
Join the 35th Division Association!
Did you know you can pay your dues online now? Send us the membership form and pay your dues using Cheddar Up – https://my.cheddarup.com/c/35thdiv-memberships-and-donations-temp-73085/items?cart.
2025 Raffle: 35th Inf. Div. Association Sig Sauer Commemorative M17 Pistol
Last year we conducted our first 35th Infantry Division Association Sig Sauer Commemorative M17 Pistol raffle. The winner was KaLynn Watchous from Topeka, Kansas. Her husband, David Watchous, served with HHC 2/635 AR, in the Kansas Army National Guard.
This year we will again be conducting a raffle for another 35th Infantry Division Association Sig Sauer Commemorative M17 Pistol. The tickets will be $20.00 and only 500 tickets will be sold. The drawing will be held at the Association conference on September 6, 2025.
2024 Hall of Fame Ceremony
The Association held its Annual Conference and Hall of Fame ceremony on Sept. 6-7, 2024 at the 35th Division Headquarters, Leavenworth, KS. The inductees for Class XVI were 2d Lt Victor W. Schultz, WO Thomas E. Tholen, and Sgt James T. Winslow, Jr. Their Hall of Fame bios can be read by clicking this link. The induction ceremony recording may be viewed using this link.
Wanted: Hall of Fame Nominations for Induction in 2025
To be considered at the Annual Conference, nominations must be received by August 1,2025. Nominations approved by the Hall of Fame Committee will be inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Annual Conference in 2026.
Members of the 35th Division Association, as well as others, are eligible to submit nominations for induction into the 35th Division Association Hall of Fame. Nominators must sign the nomination form and provide data for future contacts. Criteria for selection are given elsewhere in this Hall of Fame tab.
Mail nominating form, supporting documentation, and a photo of the nominee to BG Ed Gerhardt, Chairman, Hall of Fame Committee, 125 SE Airport E. Drive, Topeka, KS 66619