Class X, Major (Dr.) Ernest W. Slusher

Major (Dr.) Ernest W. Slusher

MAJ Ernest Slusher was a physician in Kansas City when he entered World War I as Regimental Surgeon, 140th Infantry, 35th Infantry Division. He served in the Vosges Mountains and battles in the St. Mihiel, Argonne and Verdun Sectors. Working with his regiment near Baulny during action of September 26-October 1, 1918, he was severely gassed. He continued at his work until he collapsed and was carried to a dressing station for treatment. Without authority, he went back to his regiment, working all night and into the next day caring for the wounded until he collapsed a second time. After he had partially recovered, he returned to duty in the field. Throughout his ordeal, he continually exposed himself to enemy fire. For his extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty, MAJ Slusher was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.